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Present Perfect Tense

| Jumat, 29 November 2013
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Present Perfect Tense is used for describing a past action’s effect on the present: He has arrived. Now he is here. This holds true for events that have just been secluded as well as for events that have not yet occurred.
Rumusnya Present Perfect Tense:
(+) Subject + have/has + V3
(-) Subject + have/sas Not + V3
(?) Have/has + subject + V3
(+) She has gone (Dia baru saja pergi)
(-) She has not gone
(?) Has She gone?
Past Perfect Tense is a kind of tense that is used to describe an action or an event that started in a certain time in the past and completed or finished till certain time in the past too; or past perfect tense is used to express an action or an event that had happened before the other event or action happened.
Rumusnya Past Perfect Tense:
(+) Subject + had+verb III+cmplement
(-) Subject + had not+ver III+complement
(?) Had + subject +verb III+complement

Example :
(+) We had eaten before they came
(-) They had not eaten before we came
(?) Had they eaten before we came?

Present Perfect Tense

Posted by : Unknown on :Jumat, 29 November 2013 With 0komentar

Written News

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Definition : Written news is a text that announces about some news. such as birth, enggagement, marriage, obituary, etc

Written News

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Definition : Weather Report or weather forecast is a prediction of weather, often for a specific locality, in a newspaper, on the radio or television. The weather is predicted through application of principles of physics and mateorogy.
      To protect life and property.
       Temperature and precipitation, it is important for agriculture,
       For commodities traders in the stock market.
       Climate forecasts are used by utility companies   to estimate demand over coming days.
       To decide what to wear on a given day
       To plan activities,
       To plan ahead and survive.
Example of Weather Reports
Good morning. This is Andrea Giselle with weather report. It will be rainy this morning in almost all parts of town, followed by slight showers. However, the showers will not last for long time. By early afternoon it it ill be synny until late afternoon, followed by heavy rain in the evening in to the night. Thank you.
Definition : The table is a summary of a list of data that informs the form of numbers, arranged by applying, in sequence down certain paths and rows using the row delimiter.
      Describes a fact or information in brief, clear, and more interesting than words.
      To compare the amount of data.
How to read table?
      Observe first title.
      Observe the columns in the table.
      Find the striking difference in the data is either the lowest or the highest average, count if necessary. 
Definition :Graph is a painting or a tidal rise and fall of a state represented by a line or drawing the ups and downs of a data.
      Enables delivery of complex information more easily.
      Can provide a snapshot of information in a clear, simple, interesting, and effective.
      To compare the amount of data.
How to read ?
      Observe the chart title first.
      Observe the right lane and the left or down with respect to the number.
      Find the striking difference in the data.
      Pull conclusions from the data and describe
There are three basic kinds of graphs:
1)                  Circle graph.
2)                  Bar graph.
3)                  Line graph.
1.     Circle Graph
Definition :
A circle graph is a graph in the form of a circle that is divided into sectors, with each sector representing a part of a set of data.
2.     Bar Graph
Definition :
Bar graphs are an excellent way to show results that are one time, that aren't continuous - especially samplings such as surveys, inventories, etc.
3.     Line Graph
Definition :
       A graph that uses points connected by lines to show how something changes in value (as time goes by, or as something else happens).


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A posters is an informative and decorative way to attract the attention to the information it contains. It is usually displayed in a public place. It is often decorated with designs or illustrations.
Here are some ways to use posters in a literacy program :
       To advertise events or products;
       To display information or instructions; and
       To each about some kinds of information
You will create a Public Service Announcement poster that will address the issue in the following way:
·         The topic is simple and clear.
·         The PSA gets attention and is eye catching.
·         It includes a slogan and a visual that is memorable.
·         The PSA is creative and entertaining.
·         It provides accurate information on the topic’s importance.
·         The PSA effectively reaches its target audience.


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Pain and Pleasure

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Expressing Pain
When we get sick, we must feel pain on part of our body. When we get an accident, and we get injured because of it, we must feel pain. Some expression of pain :
-  It’s very painful. I can't stand it.
-  The pain hurts me very much.
-  That's hurts!-Oh, my headache!
-  My back pains me.
-  I'm not feeling well.
-  I have a bad cough.
-  I feel terrible.
-  I'm really sick.
-  I can no longer stand.

-   Ouch. It hurts!
-        Oh, it’s killing me!
We can also add it with some interjection, such as : Oh!, Ouch! and Aw!

Example dialog :
Budi    : Iqbal , how your condition today ? Yesterday you are absent right?
Iqbal   : Hmm , not bad , because I have fever yesterday. it's very painful
Budi     : Ohh, don't be over tired vitalis
Iqbal   : Ya , you're alright , thanks Made
Budi     :It's ok , no problem


Expressing pleasure

·    Great! 

·    Terrific! 

·    I’m pleased. 

·    I enjoyed it. 

·    I love it. 

·    It was terrific. 

·    I’m delighted.

Pain and Pleasure

Posted by : Unknown on : With 0komentar


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  Expressing Relief 
When we have problem and we can solve it, we will feel relief. In other situation, when we feel worried about something that we will face it, we will also feel relief. a relief is lessening or ending of pain and worry. for example :
   -   What a relief!
-   That's a relief!
-   I'm very relieved to hear that (it)
-   I'm glad everything's running well.
-   I'm glad it's done.
-   Thank God for that.
-   Thank goodness.
-   Thank heaveness.
-   Oh, good!
-   Oh, marvelous!
    -    It’s great relief
Example dialog:
Seno : Hey guys , score list mathematics test is out, I have 79
Angga : I have 83
Aldo: What ? I don't know about that, what score do I have ?I afraid it is notcomplete
Wahyu : Don't  worry put , you get 80 , I see there  , i get 80 too
Aldo :That's a relief , thanks Ira
Wahyu : ok ,you’re welcome


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Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction

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Asking about satisfaction

-         how do you like your room?
-         is everything O.K ?
-         is everything satisfactory ?
-         are you satisfied?

    Asking about dissatisfaction
-         Do you want to complain about something?
-         Was something not to your satisfaction ?
-         Are you dissatisfied with something?
-         Did you find our service satisfactory ?

    Expressing satisfaction
-         I really like my new hair cut
-         I’m completely satisfied with everything you’ve done for me.
-        It was satisfactory.
-        It was okay. Not too bad.

    Expressing dissatisfaction
-         It is disappointing that.!
-         It is unacceptable
-         This is the limit I won't take any more of...
-         Well, this is most unsatisfactory.
-         The concert is so boring.
-         What an awful meeting
    -         It's not as good as I thought.

Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction

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