Pain and Pleasure

| Jumat, 29 November 2013
Expressing Pain
When we get sick, we must feel pain on part of our body. When we get an accident, and we get injured because of it, we must feel pain. Some expression of pain :
-  It’s very painful. I can't stand it.
-  The pain hurts me very much.
-  That's hurts!-Oh, my headache!
-  My back pains me.
-  I'm not feeling well.
-  I have a bad cough.
-  I feel terrible.
-  I'm really sick.
-  I can no longer stand.

-   Ouch. It hurts!
-        Oh, it’s killing me!
We can also add it with some interjection, such as : Oh!, Ouch! and Aw!

Example dialog :
Budi    : Iqbal , how your condition today ? Yesterday you are absent right?
Iqbal   : Hmm , not bad , because I have fever yesterday. it's very painful
Budi     : Ohh, don't be over tired vitalis
Iqbal   : Ya , you're alright , thanks Made
Budi     :It's ok , no problem


Expressing pleasure

·    Great! 

·    Terrific! 

·    I’m pleased. 

·    I enjoyed it. 

·    I love it. 

·    It was terrific. 

·    I’m delighted.

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